Sunday, May 13, 2012

Smart Phones

People that don't have Facebook/Smartphones will be the old geezer that doesn't know how to turn the damn thing on.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I sprayed my frames with champagne colored paint.

A Teacher

Michelangelo is the perfect example 
of why teachers have to foster 
the talents of our students.

What if Michelangelo’s 3rd grade 
teacher had told him to put down 
the paintbrush and learn arithmetic 
instead? What amazing things would 
this world have missed if that 
flame had been extinguished?

We must teach our students 
to foster their talents. 
They can produce great 
things in this world.

~ Palabras del Alma



If people knew how hard I had 
to work to gain my mastery, 
it would not seem so wonderful at all.


Yard Work Manicure

Put on a heavy coat of lotion 
before putting rubber gloves on. 
As you work your hands will soak 
in lotion. As you clean you will 
be giving yourself a manicure.

~Palabras del Alma